Monday, February 25, 2008

How to Fix XBOX 360 Overheating

There is nothing worse than having your best game console buggered. It is exciting getting it and you cant wait to plug it in and start hitting those buttons, but what about if it dies after just 30 minutes of playing your first game? Then you wouldn’t be too pleased, and trust me it can happen because it happen to me the first time I played my machine and a few times after that too. I contacted Microsoft and they said that the Xbox 360 overheating is caused by the hard drive getting too hot. How hot can it get in thirty minutes? What about when you want to watch a movie?

I was really not impressed by this and was just about to arrange to go back to the store where I bought it and ask for my money back, but that is until I came across the 3 red light fix website. On this site I found a guide that I bought and downloaded. The guide contained detailed instructions on how to fix my Xbox 360 overheating issue. I was amazed. Of course at first I was a bit skeptical, because of all the scams and things on the net these days, but I decided to give it a shot and I paid the necessary funds and downloaded the guide. Needless to say, I was playing my games on the very same Xbox is less than an hour, without it overheating! I was very impressed!

The other great thing is that you get videos to watch instead of reading about how to fix the Xbox. This makes the whole process much easier because you can physically see what must be done instead if trying to picture it in your head. This is also what helps you to have your console sorted in an hour’s time.

The Xbox 360 overheating is a terrible problem that many owners around the world are facing at the moment, but it is great to know that there is an inexpensive yet effective way in which you can fix it yourself. There is no need to spend more money and send the console back to Microsoft and wait a few weeks to get your precious machine back, get the guide and fix the problem yourself, within an hour. Once you have purchased the guide you can go back to the site and become a member as this will allow you instant access to the videos featured on the site. There is also a twenty-four hour helpline should you need to ask a question. So either way you'll have you Xbox 360 working within a day and without having to send it in to microsoft and waiting 4-6 weeks for them to fix it on top of the $140 they will charge in repairing the overheating problem.

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